To lose your job at 50 takes a lot of hard work. But if the conditions at the previous job do not allow you to spend your health, energy and time on it, it is difficult to find a new job at this age, but it is quite possible

Puzzled looking for a new job. it is necessary to analyze your own capabilities and compare them with the state of the labor market.
Labor market conditions
And the state of the labor market today is spontaneous, despite numerous attempts by the state to systematize it. So, despite various types of discrimination based on gender and age, employers find hundreds of plausible excuses that do not fall under state sanctions to refuse to hire a fifty-year-old woman.
As a rule, it is easier for men at this age to find a job, especially “without bad habits” and with a working specialty. It is almost impossible for women with a working profession, paradoxically, to get a job in a specialty at this age. The reason lies in the absence of a planned economy, which in this case plays against the applicant.
Reasons for the low popularity of fifty-year-old applicants
In this case, stereotypes occur in most cases of refusals when it comes to highly qualified specialties. Fundamental changes in technology in all areas also imply professional reorientation, which is not always within the power of the older generation.
The average age of employers does not exceed 35-40 years. The need for an older person to obey a younger person can cause awkwardness on both sides.
The pre-retirement age does not imply long-term cooperation: 5 years is not enough time to count on long-term promising cooperation.
The reasons are quite weighty, but surmountable, it all depends on the specific situation and the individual qualities of the applicant and employer.
Types of cooperation with the employer
If you need a social package, the best option is to contact the employment service. But it is unlikely that the vacancies available there can satisfy a highly qualified specialist. Although registration on the stock exchange will provide an opportunity to maintain the continuity of experience in the status of an unemployed person and have at least some material support.
As a rule, a woman of 50 years old already has the necessary experience to receive a pension, so the social package for her is not of fundamental importance. This can be used as a priority when looking for a job. If, instead of official employment, you conclude a work contract, that is, enter into civil law relations, the employer will be relieved of the need to pay personal income tax and contributions to the PF and Social Insurance Fund.
The third type of cooperation is more suitable for creative individuals and people who know how to create things with their own hands. Here, the relationship is built on the principle of customer-executor.
Realization of your own capabilities
Before looking for a job, you need to decide what exactly is expected from a new job. If the means of subsistence are urgently needed, it is advisable to concentrate on improving the existing practical experience, possibly mastering computer technology. There is nothing complicated in a computer, and if a three-year-old child is able to distinguish between the Enter and delete buttons, a month of classes is enough for a specialist with a higher education to master the necessary programs.
It is necessary to learn how to write a resume correctly. There should be no place for false modesty in a modern resume - all talents, up to the ability to brew tea in several ways, can create an attractive image of a job seeker for an employer. It is necessary to have a resume not only in paper, but also in electronic form in order to respond promptly to vacancies posted on Internet resources.
If time suffers, there is a reason to make your old dreams come true and start realizing hidden talents.