The consent to the child's departure abroad is drawn up by the parent, adoptive parent or guardian who does not travel with him on a trip. In accordance with article 20 of the Federal Law "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation," consent to the child's departure must be notarized.

Step 1
Prepare the Russian passport of the parent who agrees to take the child out. It is he who must be present when obtaining consent from a notary. You will also need the original birth certificate of the child.
Step 2
Take a copy from the first page of the parent's passport, with whom the child will travel abroad, or rewrite the data by hand.
Step 3
Rewrite your trip information on a separate sheet. To obtain consent to leave, information about the country where the child is sent and the period of time when he will be there is important. If the trip will take place on the territory of several countries, they must be indicated. Many notaries draw up consent to leave for a certain period, for example, three months. This is useful if you plan to send a child with a second parent on vacation to a specific country several times during this period.
Step 4
Contact a notary's office to obtain consent. You can use the services of public or private notaries, the law does not impose restrictions on the status when processing this document.
Step 5
Provide the listed documents to the notary, on the basis of which he will draw up a draft of the consent.
Step 6
Check the correctness of the data reflected in the consent. Pay special attention to passport numbers, birth certificates, registration address and dates of birth of the child and second parent. If everything is correct, the employee of the office will print the consent form on the form.
Step 7
Make sure the document is signed and stamped by a notary public. Put your signature and its transcript in the issued consent.
Step 8
Pay the state fee, it is 500 rubles. For technical work, the notary office will add another 100 to 500 rubles to the payment amount.
Step 9
Sign in the register of notarial actions.