What's More Important: Position Or Salary?

What's More Important: Position Or Salary?
What's More Important: Position Or Salary?

People ask themselves the question: what is more important - a good, interesting job or a high salary. There is no single answer to this question. Of course, the ideal situation is if the position of a person not only gives him the opportunity to do what he loves, but also brings a good income, providing a decent standard of living. But, alas, this is not always the case.

What's more important: position or salary?
What's more important: position or salary?

Suppose, and the job is good, exactly what you dreamed of; and is conveniently located not far from the house; and the work collective - you can't imagine better. And the salary, unfortunately, is low. And it is difficult for one person to live on it, but what if you have a family? So you have to think: not to change such a position for another, more profitable. Or, on the contrary, the salary is very good, to the envy of many. The family is provided with everything necessary, you can go to foreign resorts, shop in expensive stores, etc. But you have to do an unloved thing, literally forcing yourself, getting a lot of negative emotions. Or the team is quarrelsome, prone to intrigue, and the leader is too picky, capricious, who has seven Fridays a week. Sometimes you don't want any money, because your nerves, not someone else's. Therefore, in this issue, as in many others, we must try to keep the golden mean. If you have just started looking for a job, do your best to find the best option. He should more or less suit you in terms of the main indicators: job duties, salary, location, moral and psychological climate in the team. Tune in in advance that there will not be an absolutely ideal option anyway, because you will have to sacrifice something. If at your current job you are satisfied with everything except the size of the salary, consider whether there is an opportunity to achieve an increase in it. You can talk frankly about this with your manager. For example, a teacher may ask for extra hours or a part-time job in the library, a manager may ask for a promotion, etc. If you are in good standing as a skilled and disciplined employee, the bosses will almost certainly try to accommodate you. If you are determined to change your job for a more profitable materially, do not rush! After all, there is no guarantee that a hastily chosen new place will be better. First, make inquiries, find out what professions in the area where you live are the most in demand and what is their average market “cost”. Think about what specifically you want to do, what position to occupy, what salary you are applying for. And only after that start looking for a new job.
