The title "Veteran of Labor", which existed in the Soviet Union, was decided to be retained even after its collapse. It was confirmed by a new federal normative legal act - the law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ of 12.01.1995. This title is awarded upon retirement. In addition to a badge confirming seniority, it provides for benefits that can be expressed both in material form and in monetary terms.

Who can get the title of "Veteran of Labor"
Article 7 of the Law on Veterans refers to labor veterans who, as minors, began their labor activity in the period from 1941 to 1945 during the Great Patriotic War and have a work experience of at least 35 years for women and 40 years for men. Due to natural reasons, there are very few such citizens left. The bulk of labor veterans are those who, according to the law, have various labor medals and orders, honorary titles or departmental awards. To obtain the title, in addition to these regalia, general work experience is required, which is necessary for obtaining an old-age pension.
The length of service required to obtain this title is established by the legislative bodies of the subject of the Federation where the veteran lives. The amount of benefits for labor veterans of federal and regional significance is identical, but their composition may change annually, depending on the capabilities of the budgets of the corresponding level.
Benefits provided for labor veterans
To qualify for benefits, you must be awarded this title, as evidenced by a document - a certificate "Veteran of Labor". With this certificate in hand, you can count on free medical care in state and municipal health care institutions.
In 2014, the set of benefits provided for veterans of federal and regional significance includes free production and repair of dentures, excluding cermets and precious metals, in state and municipal dental clinics. In the event that you are still working under an employment contract, you must be granted regular vacations at any time convenient for you, and, in addition, you have the right to take unpaid leave for 30 days a year. You are also provided with free travel on any public transport, except for taxis, in any region and settlement of Russia, this also includes intercity and suburban car trips. During seasonal fares, you can only pay 50% of the fare by electric trains.
For labor veterans, there is a 50% discount on the payment of the total area of the apartment in which you live with your family members or alone. You also have the right to pay utility bills only in half, regardless of the type of housing stock.