Every person who has received the title of labor veteran can enjoy benefits. They are provided throughout the territory of people and apply to the most diverse aspects of life.

What are the benefits of labor veterans?
We owe our lives to our grandfathers and grandmothers, who defended the right to exist for our nation. How does the government thank them? What benefits are provided to veterans in our country?
First of all, it is worth understanding who, according to the law, is a labor veteran. For this it is worth referring to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
According to Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ "On Veterans", two categories of people are recognized as veterans:
1) persons who began their labor activity before the onset of majority during the Great Patriotic War, while the length of service for men is at least 40 years, and for women - at least 35 years;
2) persons who have awards in the form of medals and orders, have been awarded the honorary title of the RSFSR, the USSR or the Russian Federation, and have been awarded with departmental insignia in labor. To receive the title, they must have a general work experience, which will be needed to register an old-age labor pension in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
What benefits can a veteran expect?
The main benefit of officially receiving the title of "Labor Veteran" was, is and remains free provision of medical services. Unfortunately, this only applies to municipal health care facilities. Also in this item can be attributed the benefit of the manufacture of teeth and dentures in municipal clinics, and all this should be absolutely free.
If the veteran decides to continue working and is in the workplace, he must be provided with paid leave. The leave must include 30 working days.
Free travel in all types of urban transport, upon presentation of a document confirming the status of a veteran. It should be remembered that this does not apply to private individual entrepreneurs.
The administration of cities and districts is obliged to collect only 50% of the payment for the dwelling where the beneficiary is registered and resides. In addition, the payment for the use of communications in the amount of 50% is reduced for the veteran.
Also, city administrations have the full right to establish additional benefits for labor veterans (monthly additional cash payments, purchase of discount tickets, etc.).
Every veteran can take advantage of these benefits. Such support from the state is part of social policy, for which more and more funds are allocated every year.