The conferment of the honorary title "Veteran of Labor" for merits in labor activity not only determines the legal status of this category of citizens, but also grants the right to a number of social benefits and guarantees.

Step 1
Labor veterans include the category of citizens who have a work experience that began during the Great Patriotic War or were awarded by the government of the Russian Federation with various awards in the field of labor activity. For social support of this honorable category of citizens, a number of benefits are provided that emphasize the value of their labor contribution to the benefit of the whole country.
Step 2
Labor veterans have a number of benefits in medical care, which include the right to receive free qualified medical care and free treatment in enterprises of the Russian health care system at both the municipal and state levels. In addition, the provision of medical services in state polyclinics, supported by budget funds, is also free for labor veterans. If a labor veteran has reached the age of eligibility for a pension, one of the medical benefits for such a veteran is to work on the manufacture and repair of dentures. All municipal and state medical institutions are obliged to provide this service free of charge, except for those cases when the element of the prosthesis or the entire product consists of precious metals.
Step 3
Regardless of the place of residence and address registration, a labor veteran has the right to free travel in all types of public local transport, except for the taxi service. The privilege is valid for all settlements of the Russian Federation. Travel by public transport on intercity and suburban routes is also free, the only exception is a taxi, which operates without providing social benefits. Payment for travel on suburban railway transport for labor veterans will be 50% of the total cost. The same privilege applies to all types of suburban water transport.
Step 4
Subsidies for labor veterans when paying for an apartment are 50% of the amount for the occupied total area of the premises; in the event that a labor veteran lives in a communal apartment, the area is calculated in accordance with social norms established by law and applicable to all family members of the veteran. Payment for utilities: water supply, sewerage, garbage disposal, heating, electricity, services for the use of a collective antenna and radio point are also made in the amount of 50% of the total amount. The calculation of the consumption of services must be made on the basis of the standards established by local governments, regardless of the type of housing occupied by the veteran.
Step 5
Labor veterans of the capital cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, have the right to count on additional municipal benefits: monthly cash payments made at the expense of the city budget; free travel on suburban electric trains; purchase of a reduced monthly metro ticket.