Failure to comply with the military registration obligation is the basis for bringing the guilty citizen to administrative responsibility. However, the amount of this liability is insignificant, and the procedure for bringing to it is rarely implemented in practice.

The legislation on conscription provides for a special initial registration procedure for all male citizens who have reached the age of 16. In fact, these measures are implemented in the year that future conscripts reach their 17th birthday, but the period for their implementation is limited to the first three months of this year, therefore, in most cases, military registration and enlistment offices call 16-year-old citizens. The initial registration is carried out by analogy with conscription events, therefore, citizens are summoned to pass it on the agenda of the military commissar. Most often, these summons are sent to the administration of educational organizations, which are responsible for facilitating this procedure.
Responsibility for refusal to register
Violation of obligations in the field of military registration entails the appointment of an administrative penalty to the citizen who committed the specified violation. Responsibility for it is established in the form of a fine, the amount of which can range from one hundred to five hundred rubles. An alternative type of punishment is a warning, which is recorded in the corresponding decree, announced to the citizen orally. At the same time, the specified violation is considered committed only if the future conscript did not have valid reasons for not appearing on the summons of the military commissar within the prescribed period. For example, a valid reason excluding prosecution is a confirmed illness of a citizen during the relevant period.
Difficulties in bringing to justice
The described administrative norm, providing for prosecution for failure to fulfill military registration duties, is applied in practice relatively rarely. Military commissariats are not interested in imposing appropriate punishments, since the evasion of a 16-year-old citizen from appearing does not mean that he cannot be called up for military service in the future. In addition, there are numerous difficulties associated with proving the commission of an offense. So, the summons about the need to appear at the military commissariat should be handed over to the citizen personally, against his signature, which is not always done. In addition, the violators in this case are minors, so a real administrative penalty in the form of a fine is rarely imposed.