A decree is a legal act that is adopted by some bodies and officials. If we talk about local self-government, then the decrees are issued by the executive authorities. The reason for making changes can be a prosecutor's protest, a court decision, a factual or editorial error, as well as an appeal from citizens.

- - an appeal addressed to the head of the administration;
- - a copy of the identity document of the applicant;
- - extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Individual Entrepreneurs (original);
- - legislative acts on this issue;
- - notarized copies of documents of title on this issue.
Step 1
If you notice a factual or editorial error in the resolution of the head of administration, write an appeal. At the top, indicate who you are applying to (position, surname and initials), as well as information about the applicant - surname, name and patronymic in full, registration address and telephone number for communication. You can attach a photocopy of your identity document.
Step 2
Start the main text of the appeal in the same way as any statement: "I ask you to amend the text of the resolution of the head of administration …". Write in full the title, date of adoption, and number. You can also indicate the date of publication and the title of the edition. Please note why you are asking for changes and the paragraph where the error was made. Date and sign.
Step 3
Print the appeal in duplicate. Pass it through the secretary or general department and make sure that the document is endorsed. Usually 30 days are given for review. The term can be extended if additional expertise is required. But in any case, you should receive a written answer.
Step 4
If you think that the resolution does not comply with Russian law, please file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. It is useful to do this even if the actual error has not been corrected. The prosecutor's office will check. She may find violations of the law in the decision, and in this case she will make a protest and oblige the local government to amend.
Step 5
A change in the decision can be made by a court decision. Before writing your application, consult with a lawyer who deals with this area of law. In your application, indicate which legal norms the document you contested does not comply with. It is also useful to look for precedents when, in your opinion, fair judgments were made on similar issues.