How To Register A Private Enterprise

How To Register A Private Enterprise
How To Register A Private Enterprise

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Registration of the right to private entrepreneurial activity has long been a big problem for a novice businessman. Nowadays, the procedure for registering a private enterprise has become much simpler. According to officials, this should give an impetus to the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

How to register a private enterprise
How to register a private enterprise


Step 1

To register a private enterprise, submit a signed application in the prescribed form to the appropriate registration authority. The signature of a private entrepreneur must be certified by a notary. Among the documents there must be a copy of the passport and a document confirming the payment of the state fee.

Step 2

Submit the collected package of documents for registration of private entrepreneurship to the inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service at the place of permanent registration of an individual. There, in 5 working days, you will receive a full package of documents or a motivated refusal to register. The package of documents that is issued as a result of registration of an individual entrepreneur will include: an extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs, on the registration of an entrepreneur, as well as a certificate of assignment of a TIN, if it has not been received earlier.

Step 3

Store all documents on individual entrepreneurship carefully and accurately, provide, if necessary, only their notarized copies. If you lose your documents, it will be extremely difficult to recover them.

Step 4

For the service of registration of individual entrepreneurship, you can contact a specialized company. She will provide the necessary consultations and prepare documents. In addition, such organizations provide a private entrepreneur with a number of services: accounting, transfer to a simplified taxation system, selection of OKVED statistics codes. The organization will also provide assistance in registering and purchasing a cash register. The cost of services for registration of private entrepreneurship is not very high. By contacting such a company, a novice entrepreneur will relieve himself of the need to fill out all kinds of forms and stand in long queues to submit and receive registration documents.
