How To Check The Authenticity Of Sick Leave

How To Check The Authenticity Of Sick Leave
How To Check The Authenticity Of Sick Leave

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Often employers face a problem when an employee does not go to work for a long time, does not answer calls, does not make contact in any way, and then provides a sick leave to the accounting department or the employer. However, the authenticity of such sick leave is often in doubt.


Step 1

Examine carefully the provided sick leave. From July 1, 2011, the sick leave form must be of a new sample established by the Ministry of Health (sheet A5 in blue size with a multi-level degree of protection, including a barcode with a combination of twelve digits, watermarks, colored shading and yellowish fields for filling). With all this, the disability columns on the sick leave are filled out on a computer or in printed capital letters in black - these are the requirements for issuing sick leaves in accordance with the design rules approved by the Ministry of Health. The old sample form is invalid.

Step 2

Pay attention to the filled fields in the sick leave form. Now the patient's TIN, the number of his medical card and pension insurance card must be indicated there, as well as the form must contain fields for the employer to fill out. If the indicated lines are not in the form or they are not filled out, such a sick leave is considered invalid.

Step 3

Check signatures and seals. All sick leave must be issued only by authorized persons (doctor, medical organization). There should be three seals.

Step 4

Submit a written request on letterhead to the clinic where the sick leave was issued. In the request, you should ask the chief physician to confirm the authenticity of the issuance of such and such (number) sick leave, such and such a number (indication of the number), such and such a citizen (full name). Remember, all sick leaves are entered into the database of the institution that issued them and, accordingly, if the sick leave was issued illegally ("clandestinely"), it will not be entered into such a database. In addition, you can come to a medical institution in person - this will significantly save your time, and you will receive an answer immediately.

Step 5

Write an application to the district, city or regional (depending on the situation) Social Insurance Fund with a request to establish the fact of issuing a sick leave and its legality.

Wait for a response and, if a violation is found, contact the prosecutor's office with a statement.
