You can wait until your boss notices all your successes and decides to finally raise your position until your retirement. Typically, this process can be drastically shortened by having the courage to ask your employer for a raise yourself. However, in order not to be trapped, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

Step 1
Remember, much of your success depends on the timing and timing of the conversation. For example, psychologists do not recommend contacting the boss in the first half of the day, since it is during this period that the employer is most busy with work. It is better to approach him after lunch, when there will be much less work, and the mood after a hearty dinner will improve.
Step 2
You should not approach the boss if you have recently failed some important assignment or if the employer has been in a bad mood for several days. It is quite another matter if by your actions you have proved your own necessity for the enterprise, or the boss suddenly became cheerful and complacent.
Step 3
Before asking for a raise, you need to prepare a detailed story about your own labor exploits. To do this, you can even make a list in which the points will be outlined the moments when the business of the company (thanks to you) has improved significantly. Remember, asking for a raise without much motivation is foolish enough. To achieve a positive result, you need to prove to your bosses that the more authority you get, the more value you can bring to the enterprise.
Step 4
The request for an increase must be drafted in such a way that the employer has no opportunity to object to you. It is likely that the boss, as a veiled refusal, will use excuses that are banal for such a case: he promised a position to another employee, there is no way to increase his salary, etc. Based on this, you need to think over the answers to such excuses in advance. In this case, it is required to take into account not only the character of the chief, but also his attitude towards you personally.
Step 5
The most important thing when talking to your boss is not to use blackmail. You must show yourself to be an intelligent, intelligent, sociable and experienced worker, but not a blackmailer who threatens to quit because of non-fulfillment of his requirements. An exception can only be in cases where you have previously been made a more advantageous offer and you are sure that you will have somewhere to go in case of refusal.
Step 6
Just in case, remember that rejection is not a reason for depression. The employer may not really be able to promote you yet. Ask your boss about the reasons for the refusal and find out what should be done in order to return to this conversation later. Work with your employer to write a list of goals so that you have a clear understanding of what to aim for.