Anyone likes to move forward, especially when it comes to moving up the career ladder. However, unfortunately, few are achieving success, but not everyone wants to wait for decades to get promoted from their boss. But there is a way out, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and give the manager a promotion.

Asking for a promotion to your manager is not easy. However, you need to gather strength and do everything possible to climb the career ladder one step higher. To do this, you should prepare yourself mentally and choose a convenient moment to talk with the management.
Preparing for a conversation
You can't go to your boss, bang your fist on the table and ask for a raise. Such a philosophy will not lead to the desired goal, on the contrary, it is a direct path to dismissal from the company. You need to justify your demand for a promotion, otherwise nothing will come of it. First, you should prepare for a conversation with your boss. The first step is to answer the question: "Why should a subordinate be promoted?"
For this reason, it is necessary to prepare a list of your achievements. In order not to look unfounded, you will need to back up your words with specific figures and documents confirming success. You can also note what you managed to learn during your work in this company, what tasks or activities were mastered, that is, how much the employee expanded his functionality as a specialist. All this will help to achieve a promotion on the career ladder.
Choosing the right moment
Preparing for a conversation is not limited only to systematizing your knowledge, achievements and arguments in favor of promotion. Success also depends on choosing the right time and moment for the conversation. It is not advisable to pester your boss with a request for a raise in the morning because he has a lot of work to do during that time. It would be much better to come and talk to him after dinner.
In addition, one should look at the situation from a broader perspective. So, when things are not going well in the company, the employee is likely to be rejected. Also, you should not pester your boss with a talk about a promotion when he is out of sorts. As a rule, such a conversation will not bring anything good, and, perhaps, even the working relationship will deteriorate greatly.
Typical mistakes
It's not uncommon for employees to ask for a promotion make mistakes that block their path to their dreams. It is worth knowing about them so as not to commit them later. For example, some employees ask for a raise at corporate parties. Of course, the boss is in a good mood, but in most cases the request is ignored. This happens due to the fact that the leader is in a relaxed state and simply does not want to think about business at the moment. You should not blackmail your boss with your departure, since he can be fired under the article, and this will be a huge spot in your biography, and you will not have to wait for good recommendations from the place of work.