A residence permit in Russia gives a foreigner the right to permanent residence in any region of the country, employment without a special permit throughout the country and pension benefits. Its registration also serves as a mandatory step on the way to obtaining Russian citizenship. You can apply for a residence permit after a year of stay in Russia with a temporary residence permit.

It is necessary
- - passport with a notarized translation into Russian;
- - photos 3, 5X4, 5;
- - confirmation of financial solvency (certificate from work or from a bank);
- - medical certificates;
- - a statement of the established form.
Step 1
To obtain a residence permit, you will need a foreign passport and a temporary residence permit. The latter is usually a stamp in the passport. The passport must be translated into Russian, and the translation must be notarized. This service will be provided by any translation agency. You will also need to take passport-size photographs (3, 5x4, 5). The requirements for them and the number must be clarified at the FMS department in which the temporary residence permit was obtained. You will also have to apply there for a residence permit.
Step 2
The set of documents also includes confirmation that the applicant has funds for living in the Russian Federation during the year. This can be a certificate in the 2-NDFL form from the place of work of the applicant himself or his close relative (spouse or wife, mother or father, brother or sister). Alternatively, a bank statement confirming the availability of the required amount on the applicant's account. The applicant's official salary must be more than the monthly subsistence minimum established at the time of application in the region where the residence permit is being issued. If a relative submits the certificate, the income must cover two living wages. When using a bank statement, the balance on the account must cover the monthly living wage multiplied by 12. The exact amount of the minimum allowable wage and account balance can be obtained from the FMS office.
Step 3
You will also have to undergo a medical examination. For example, in Moscow, for this purpose, it is necessary to take certificates from a vending dispensary, where you will need to be tested for AIDS, narcological and tuberculosis dispensaries, and bring them to the district health department, where they write out a conclusion on the state of health of a foreigner, which is submitted in a package of documents. Separately attached and certificates from all dispensaries. Coordinates of all necessary institutions can be found in the FMS, and the hours of their work and reception on this issue - in the institutions themselves. Their services, in addition to the health department, are paid, money is deposited through Sberbank. Details for payment can be found in the registry of the required institution.
Step 4
The applicant must also confirm that he has a place to live in the area in which he is applying for a residence permit. This can be done with a certificate of ownership of the home if it belongs to a foreigner. Otherwise, it is necessary to present an agreement for the free use of the residential premises, which is concluded with the owner of that and certified by the housing office or by a notary.
Step 5
The application form of the established form must be taken from the FMS. It can also be provided by special firms that provide services for filling out documents for the FMS (questionnaires for passports, applications for a temporary residence permit and a residence permit). The completed and signed application is attached to the set of documents and submitted to the FMS. If the employees of this service have no comments, it remains to wait for a decision and get a residence permit when ready.