Filming is a cherished dream of many people. But not everyone has enough self-confidence, abilities, patience. Sometimes people give up this dream just because they do not believe in their abilities. In fact, you should not give up ahead of time.

Step 1
If you possess even the rarest talent, without proper preparation you will not be able to immediately become an actor. Find good acting courses to get started. This can be a theater school or several master classes with a professional. When choosing courses, make sure that the instructors really know what they are doing. A person should be familiar with the film industry and achieve some success in this area.
Step 2
Take some professional photos. You will need them to register with a modeling or acting agency. Such photographs are called "tests". Keep in mind that you do not need staged shots, but shots in which you are best represented. Full-length photos, portrait, profile. Ordinary, non-professional shots are also suitable for working in the crowd. On them, you should look like in everyday life.
Step 3
Find several acting agencies, submit your photos to them. It is better to choose three or four agencies at once. Remember, in a serious organization, you will not be forced to pay to complete a portfolio or apply. Choose agencies based on recommendations, reviews on the Internet. Pay attention to the agency's portfolio, in which projects and filming the agency's actors take part.
Step 4
It's almost impossible to get a role in a movie right away. First you have to work in the crowd, to appear in commercials. Agencies rarely do extras. If you want to get into them, contact the extras brigadier assistants directly. Pay attention to offers on the Internet - sometimes they are looking for people of a certain type of appearance.
Step 5
Attend auditions. Filming offers are received only by eminent actors. For now, you yourself are offering yourself to the role. Review the casting lists regularly. Be sure to follow the specified specifications. If the required type is precisely spelled out, and you do not fit it, you should not waste time from yourself and other people. There are already a lot of people on castings who fit the character description better than you.
Be prepared: to start acting in films, sometimes you need to attend a lot of castings. This is not the easiest activity, but if you confidently go towards your goal, you will definitely do it.