Work occupies no less important place in the life of a modern person than his family. How much comfortable life he can afford for himself and his loved ones depends on the size of his salary. That is why conflicts with the boss very often become the culprits of the average person's stress and depression. How can you protect yourself from your boss?

Step 1
An old wisdom says: "Pass us more than all sorrows and the lordly anger, and the lordly love." It indicates two poles of the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. And both are negative. How can you protect yourself if your boss suddenly becomes hostile or overtly interested in you?
Step 2
Consider a situation where your boss, who until now has not shown himself to be a tyrant, suddenly begins to show hostility and sarcasm in relation to your business qualities. What can you do to settle your relationship? If an outburst of anger and irritation in your address occurred completely unexpectedly, then it was most likely caused by some other source, and you simply fell under the "hot hand". Wait a couple of days, perhaps your boss will change his mind and apologize himself. If it doesn't, try talking to him. Pick a moment when he is not busy with urgent matters and is in no hurry. Try to be conciliatory in your conversation. Ask him to explain the reason for criticizing your professional activity, in what he sees your mistake. If the boss is smart, he will use your outstretched hand, and you can calmly discuss the sore point during which the outburst of anger occurred.
Step 3
The situation with the boss's excessive love for your person is usually no less serious than the previous one. And the method of clarifying the relationship in this case, you can choose the same. In a relaxed environment, talk to your boss and explain the reasons for your refusal. Do not infringe on his manhood, do not threaten, but do not leave any loopholes for continued harassment. Most likely, your boss, like you, is not interested in scandal or publicity. In this case, he will leave you alone. If the conversation did not take effect, you have two options - to quit or to sue him. As for the second, then you should be aware that this method is unpopular in our country and you will have to go through sidelong glances, chuckles, conversations behind your back and, most likely, you will still have to quit this job. In any case, it's up to you to choose. And if you feel strong in yourself - defend your honor in court.