Being late for work is a disease of modern society. But it is not at all because of human carelessness or an attempt to express a protest to the authorities in this way (although this is also possible), it is just that sometimes modern technologies, devices, and even banal circumstances put a “spoke in the wheel”. But in any case, you will have to answer to your superiors for being late.

Oddly enough, but the most common reason for the violation of labor discipline at the enterprise is a banal delay. Such an annoying nuisance can happen to everyone, because no one is immune from both objective and subjective reasons. At the same time, the weight of the reasons that will be indicated as an explanation for not showing up for work on time does not always correspond to the idea of the authorities about the sufficiency and credibility of the justification.
How to "get off the water"
As a rule, here you can act in two ways, making excuses because of a misconduct:
- rely on the boss's sense of humor, inventing funny stories that could smooth out dissatisfaction for a misconduct;
- frankly explain the reason for the delay.
I would like to immediately note that in case of isolated cases of violation of labor discipline, the most beneficial will be a frank conversation with the boss and a reliable statement of facts: I slept, did not hear the alarm clock, forgot about the meeting, etc. Do not forget to point out sincere repentance and promise to continue to try to prevent this from happening.
In cases with regular delays, which have already turned into pathology, you can try to “smooth over the rough edges” with a funny story or joke:
- all night long caring for a neighbor's hamster, who coughed desperately and prevented everyone from sleeping;
- helped a neighbor's grandmother to go to a new level in a counter-strike;
- walked around puddles for a long time, etc.
But do not forget that such options are by no means to all leaders' liking and are unlikely to save them from material or disciplinary punishment. In addition, according to labor law, regular tardiness accompanied by a reprimand from superiors can be a significant reason for dismissing an employee.
Fighting the causes of delays
Do not forget the situation from the cartoon, when the boy shouted "wolves, wolves …" to attract attention, and when the real trouble came, no one believed him. That is why it is impossible to abuse the "true" stories, once again explaining their absence for work. After all, the next time, if the sewer pipe really breaks or happens to get stuck in the elevator car, then, for sure, the authorities will be skeptical about such explanations.
In order not to become a hostage of endless delays, it is necessary to take it as a rule:
- if an important meeting is scheduled or you need to be at work on time, the day before you need to go to bed a little earlier than usual;
- it is important to set an alarm clock, or even several, and if things are really bad, then ask a friend, neighbor, parents to persistently call until they really achieve a result;
- when calculating the time for the trip to the office, you should not exclude possible traffic jams on the way. Better to save on breakfast, but go to work earlier;
- to move the clock a few minutes ahead, and it is better to ask someone to do this in order to provide yourself with an additional "limit" of time.
Being punctual makes it easy to get rid of anxiety, and as a result, your well-being will noticeably improve.