According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee cannot be fired for being late for work. However, it is not so difficult for a competent HR officer to get rid of an employee who is negligent in his working hours. To do this, you just need to carefully look at the Labor Code.

Step 1
Write down the beginning and end of the working day in the internal labor regulations of your company. Familiarize all employees with the document against signature. Show the late employee Art. 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which enshrines his obligation to comply with the internal labor regulations.
Step 2
If your employee still continues to violate his work schedule, record his tardiness in the Timesheet, and then create a disciplinary commission and draw up an act of tardiness. Ask the late employee for an explanation in writing (which he must provide no later than two working days).
Step 3
Get an explanation and read it. If the reason for the delay is serious, the explanation must be accompanied by evidence (for example, a certificate of illness from a hospital, a certificate of an accident from the traffic police). If the reason is not serious, or you have not received an explanation within two days, draw up an act on the application of a disciplinary sanction to your employee. If this is the employee's first recorded violation, use a written comment, and when it already exists, a reprimand.
Step 4
Now wait for the last delay and fire the employee. To do this, issue an order to impose a disciplinary action against the employee in the form of dismissal (i.e., an order to impose a disciplinary action and an order to dismiss). Familiarize your employee with these orders against signature or make a note about the impossibility or refusal to review.
Step 5
In the reasons for the termination of the employment contract in the work book indicate Part 5 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - repeated non-performance by an employee without good reason of labor duties, if he has a disciplinary penalty. Attach photocopies of the remarks and reprimands made to the employee to the order of dismissal (keep the originals in case of litigation).
Step 6
After that, mark the changes in the personal card and staffing table. On the day of dismissal, give the employee a work book.