A well-written resume significantly increases the chances of getting the desired position. There are no clear rules on how to properly submit information about yourself to an employer, but you can draw up a document that will attract the maximum number of employers.

Shortly about myself
You should start your resume by indicating your last name, first name and patronymic. Write your date of birth, address, as well as contact details by which you can be contacted - mobile phone number, email. If the work is remote or partially remote, it will not be superfluous to indicate a login in Skype or a number in ICQ. You can also write about your marital status and the presence of children, but this information is optional. If necessary, the employer can clarify this with your device.
If the ad does not say that the position requires people with a certain type of appearance, you do not need to attach a photo to your resume.
In the "Education" column, you must indicate the educational institutions that you graduated from. Do not use abbreviations, write the names in full. Indicate the years of study and the specialty received. If you have additional education (courses, trainings) that is relevant to the vacancy, this is also worth noting.
Indicate the purpose of your searches. Write the desired position, because it is quite possible that the company is looking for several employees, and it will be rather difficult to understand what you want without this column. If you are applying for several similar vacancies, please list them separated by commas. You can also indicate the desired salary.
An experience
First of all, a potential employer will pay attention to your experience, so this column should be given special attention. Make a list of your past jobs, noting the years you have spent at a particular company, the name of the firm, and the position you hold. Briefly describe the tasks you have faced, focusing on the results you have achieved. For example, point out that you didn't just do sales, but increased them by 20%.
If you have a lot of experience, write in the resume of the company where you have worked for the last 10 years. But people inclined to change jobs can highlight their most significant positions.
Additional Information
If you have any skills that might be useful to an employer, describe them. You can note the knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to work with computer programs, the presence of a personal car.
Once you've completed your resume, double-check it. Make sure that you do not have spelling and punctuation errors - it is unlikely that the employer will be pleased with an illiterate employee, align the font and line spacing, highlight the columns. You can get acquainted with the design of the document by looking at the samples on the Internet. It is desirable that the document occupy one or two A4 sheets. After that, you can send your resume to the employer.