A few years ago, a resume was not much different from a simple questionnaire, and employers did not require its submission. Now, without a well-written resume, the likelihood of finding a good job is minimized, even if you get a job through acquaintances, that is, it acts as a business card.

Step 1
Try to keep your resume on one page. Remember that it serves as a kind of announcement in your relationship with the employer. You should interest him in information, and already during the interview, reveal your skills and achievements in full.
Step 2
Present information in a logical and consistent manner. Do not fill your resume in solid text, you can even highlight important points. Remember that it should be formatted in such a way that it is easy to read.
Step 3
First, write your last name, first name and patronymic in full. Then, be specific about your job title. If you go purposefully for an interview and know what position you will be offered, then this wording should be written in the resume, that is, if you are applying for the vacancy "accountant", then you should not write "economist".
Step 4
Education plays an important role in subsequent employment. If a few years ago not so much attention was paid to this criterion, today it is not only its presence that is important, but also its quality. Indicate years of study, educational institution, specialty and faculty.
Step 5
If you have previously completed any courses, think carefully about which ones to write on your resume. There is no need to list everything, stop at those that show your professional level in the position that you want to take. That is, for an accountant, you can specify everything related to paperwork, accounting, but, for example, it is better to omit designer courses.
Step 6
In the resume, indicate work experience, and start with the latter, and so on in descending order. Write the name of the organization, the type of its activities and the position held. Be clear about your job responsibilities.
Step 7
In the "Skills" block, indicate such skills as knowledge of a computer, foreign languages, high speed of typing, knowledge of personnel affairs, possession of office equipment and others. Try to write the ones that you will need in the process of working in this position.