Often, drivers who have suffered as a result of an accident cannot get real compensation for damage by a standard appeal to an insurance company. Sometimes the car owner is forced to sign a pile of documents, collect a bunch of certificates, come to the insurer and more than once, but there is still no compensation. In this case, one decision remains - to go to court.

Step 1
An accident has occurred - it is already unpleasant, but it becomes even less pleasant when the perpetrator of the accident refuses to compensate for the damage caused, or when bureaucratic red tape begins in the insurance company. In this case, a court decision can help to obtain compensation, in order to apply to which it is necessary to properly prepare a statement and other documents. Know that the material damage caused as a result of an accident must be reimbursed by the owner of the vehicle found guilty of the accident.
Step 2
In order to claim damages in court, prepare basic documents. In this case, these include a certificate from the traffic police and the results of a technical examination. The traffic police certificate must confirm the fact that the other driver is guilty of the accident and characterize the damage to your car. A technical examination must be carried out without fail to assess the damage caused. The guilty party must be notified of the day and time of the technical examination. It is best to do this with the help of a telegram with a notification, since if the guilty person does not appear, there is no examination and in the absence of confirmation that the guilty person was informed about the examination, it will not be difficult to refute the results of the examination.
Step 3
Having received a certificate from the traffic police and the results of the examination, proceed to the preparation of the statement of claim. If you are not sure of your own knowledge, contact a professional lawyer. Submit an application to the court located either at the place where the accident occurred or at the place of residence of the defendant.
Step 4
In addition to or separately from a claim for compensation for property damage, a claim for compensation for moral damage or harm caused to the victim's health may be formed. The limitation period for claims for compensation for damage caused in an accident is 3 years. After this period, the court will refuse to accept your application.