How To Correct The Numbering In The Work Book

How To Correct The Numbering In The Work Book
How To Correct The Numbering In The Work Book

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The procedure for maintaining work books by the organization is spelled out in Government Decree N 225 of April 16, 2003 and Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation N 69 of October 10, 2003. Any corrections must be made according to the rules specified in these documents.

How to correct the numbering in the work book
How to correct the numbering in the work book


Step 1

The legislation assigns responsibility for the maintenance, storage, accounting and issuance of work books to the employer. The director of the organization has the right to appoint an authorized person in charge by order.

Step 2

All entries in the work book are entered without abbreviations and must have their own serial number. Strikethrough, inaccurate, incorrect or invalid entries are not allowed. Changes must be made by invalidating the incorrect entry and making the correct wording.

Step 3

All corrections in the work book are made by the employer who made the wrong entry, or at the new place of work on the basis of a certificate. If the previous organization is liquidated, the employee will need an extract from the order for admission or dismissal based on archival documents.

Step 4

Correct the entry as follows: under the incorrect entry, indicate the serial number, the date of the correction and write the phrase "the entry behind the previous number is invalid." Then make the correct entry (with the correct number).

Step 5

If, after an incorrect entry, the following have already been made, then make the correction in the following order: put the next serial number after the last entry, make a note on invalidating the entry under such and such a number, enter the correct information.
