One of the world's most famous terrorists has finally been sentenced. Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian fundamentalist who organized the bombing in central Oslo and the attack on a youth camp on 22 July 2011, received the harshest punishment in the history of Norwegian justice.

Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik in July 2011 committed a double terrorist attack: he detonated a bomb in the government district of the Norwegian capital, and then went to the youth camp of the ruling Norwegian Workers' Party and started shooting there. As a result of Breivik's actions, 240 people were wounded, 77 were killed, most of them teenagers. The terrorist confessed to committing the crimes, but did not admit his guilt, moreover, he regretted the small number of victims.
The process, which took place on August 24, 2012, attracted the attention of the whole world. A huge number of journalists, relatives of the victims, victims and ordinary residents of Norway - all were looking forward to the verdict. Anders Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison, the highest measure in Norway. Thus, for each killed, the terrorist will serve approximately three months.
Prosecutors insisted that Breivik was abnormal, as evidenced by the conclusion of one of the examinations. Paranoid schizophrenia, voices in the head - the prosecution tried to send the terrorist for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital until the end of his days. However, another examination found Breivik quite sane, the defense lawyers insisted on the defendant's peculiar political views and demanded that he be imprisoned. His actions were directed against the country's politicians, who allowed many migrants to enter the country, because of them, it loses its culture. The massacre in the youth camp was a backup plan, in case the Norwegian prime minister's office could not be razed to the ground.
The recognition of Breivik as normal suited both the residents of the country and the terrorist himself. He would have considered it an insult if he had received a milder sentence from the court. The term of imprisonment, the maximum by the standards of Norway, can be extended even if Breivik is recognized as dangerous for society - at the end of 21 years, another psychiatric examination will be carried out. A cell with three rooms has been prepared especially for him in the Ila prison: an office (with a computer), a bedroom and a gym, as well as a courtyard for walking. From time to time, specially hired people will come to Breivik to talk and play chess with him.