Registration in a private house is possible on the basis of the written or notarial permission of all homeowners. An extract is made on the basis of a personal application of a registered person, by a notarial power of attorney or in the presence of a court order.

It is necessary
- - application;
- - passport;
- - home Book;
- - military ID;
- - court statement.
Step 1
If you allowed a person to register in your private house, he can leave the office on his own by applying to the Federal Migration Service. For an extract, you will need not only an application, but also a registered person's passport, house book. For those liable for military service who are in reserve and persons of draft age, you must present to the FMS a military ID with a mark on the removal from military registration.
Step 2
While in another city, a resident registered in the house can apply for registration at a new address. He will be removed from the register at the previous address and immediately registered at the new place of residence.
Step 3
You have the right to discharge a resident temporarily registered in a private house by submitting to the FMS an application for early termination of registration. If you do not contact the FMS, the registration will automatically end after the expiration of the terms specified in the application that was submitted during registration.
Step 4
If you have a notarized power of attorney, you have the right to perform any legally significant actions for your principal, which include the deregistration procedure. Contact the FMS. Based on your application, an authorized employee will carry out an extract.
Step 5
If you do not have a notarized power of attorney, a registered person does not live in your living space and does not sign out on his own, apply to the court with an application. Submit a package of documents confirming the validity of the extract.
Step 6
A sufficient basis for a positive court order will be: - long absence of a citizen at the place of permanent registration; - imprisonment in a colony; - non-participation in the maintenance of housing; - permanent residence at a different address.
Step 7
As an evidence base, use the testimony of witnesses, certificates of the conclusion or recognition of a citizen as missing.
Step 8
After the court decision is made, contact the Federal Migration Service with the application, the resolution and the house book. The registered citizen will be discharged from your home.