In accordance with the current criminal procedure legislation, the persons who took part in the case have the right to get acquainted with all the materials of the case, take extracts for themselves in any volume, and make copies of the documents of interest.

Step 1
In order to receive a copy of the court's verdict, first write the corresponding statement. In the upper right corner of the document, indicate the name of the court to which you are submitting it, your personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, procedural situation in the case, address, telephone).
Step 2
In the main part of your statement, in a free style, briefly state information about who considered the case, his number (if you know it), who was the accused in the case when the decision was made. This will help the court staff find the documents you need more quickly. Next, state your request for a copy of the verdict, indicating the reasons why you need it. For example, this may be the loss of a previously issued verdict for any reason, or the need to provide it in the event of its appeal in the order of supervision.
Step 3
If you carry out these actions under a power of attorney, then be sure to attach its original and a copy to your application. You present the original just for review, and it will be returned to you, and a copy will remain in court. If a copy of the power of attorney issued to you is already in the file, then its repeated submission is not required. It will be enough to indicate this circumstance in the application. Sign the prepared statement, make a transcript of your signature, indicate the current date next to it.
Step 4
Apply to the court registry. The judge, to whom it will go for execution, must put on it his resolution that he does not object to the issuance of a duplicate of the sentence. You can get a finished copy on purpose from the court secretariat, or it will be sent by mail.