The choice of paintings for the office is a crucial moment. Their mood, efficiency and emotional state will largely depend on what kind of work the employees of the company and visitors of the office will contemplate on a daily basis, and positive impressions will become the key to the company's prosperity.

When choosing a painting for the office, first of all, you should pay attention to the plot. After all, he has a great influence on staff and visitors. If visitors constantly appear in the reception or office, you can hang a work depicting an urban, everyday life or street scene on the wall. This will emphasize the company's focus on the client.
The contemplation of seascapes and hunting scenes on canvas helps to increase the activity and improve the efficiency of the staff. Welcoming landscapes in soothing colors will increase the productivity and energy of the team.
Paintings depicting flowers and still lifes contribute to psychological relaxation, therefore they will be appropriate in the relaxation room. A calm still life can also be placed in a meeting room - the picture will help set the client in the right mood, which will increase the chances of a successful meeting.
Surreal and abstract works look original in the office premises. However, it should be noted that such canvases are most appropriate in the offices of design studios and advertising agencies.
It is also important to ensure that the canvas blends harmoniously with the interior of the office space. So, if everything is kept in a minimalist style, a landscape in a gilded frame with stucco molding will look ridiculous here. An abstract painting placed next to massive furniture in a classic style will evoke similar feelings.
When choosing a painting by size and color shades, keep in mind that a small painting in pastel colors is suitable for an office densely packed with furniture. Works in a blue-green palette will be a good choice for small offices - these colors visually increase the space, giving it depth. Small pictures in narrow frames will successfully fit into a narrow small-sized room. In a large room, it is better to hang large works in wide frames.
According to research by leading time managers, paintings for the office must meet a number of criteria, due to which the working time spent on contemplating paintings by company employees is minimized. So, for example, a picture should not contain real objects and be abstract. The background of the work should be white, contain inclusions of not very bright spots of rainbow colors - they restore strength. Canvases in dark colors with sharp corners and stripes, causing stress and conflict, were banned. Place the painting behind the backs of the employees so that there are no direct glances at it.