It is better to use several types of paper for office, selecting the most suitable for each unit or each group of office equipment involved in the workflow. You can choose based on the class assigned to the paper or by paying attention to the detailed lists of parameters that describe the features of the paper in numbers.

Step 1
If you have absolutely no time to deal with the analysis of quite numerous properties of office paper, be guided by the quality class assigned to it. There are four of them - three are designated by the Latin letters A, B, C, and one more has the name "economy class". The highest parameters correspond to class A, and the cheapest will be economy. One or more pluses can be added to the letter - this means that in some parameters the paper exceeds the requirements for this class. For example, for the simplest desktop copier, economy grade paper will suffice. For a copier with an average productivity (up to 35 copies per minute), you should buy class C paper, if the number of copies does not exceed 180 per minute, paper with the B mark is suitable, and more productive equipment requires the use of class A.
Step 2
You can select paper and more carefully, paying attention to the parameters indicated on the package. One of the main ones - density - should be in the range from 80 to 95 g / m². Higher quality paper has a higher indicator - for newsprint this parameter is 50 g / m², for writing paper - 65 g / m², and the highest value is 200 g / m².
Step 3
Another indicator is the degree of whiteness. According to the ISO standard, it can be expressed as a percentage. Choose paper that has a value of at least 90%, and should be even higher for high-quality presentation materials.
Step 4
Another parameter is also measured in percent - humidity. It determines how high the probability of paper jams in office copiers and printers is. Choose paper with the lowest possible value - a value not exceeding 5.3% will be acceptable.
Step 5
For two-sided printing, the degree of transparency of the sheets is important - this parameter will have to be determined by eye. And to create documents with color images using inkjet photo printers, it is better to use special paper - it allows you to get the best quality and extend the life of the device.