Today, when the services of a massage therapist are in demand and highly paid, it has become profitable to work in this area. In addition, you can master this prestigious and useful profession in just a few months, you just need to choose the right training courses.

Choosing massage courses in Moscow, you must first decide on the purpose of training. If you want to take a course "for yourself", you can limit yourself to short-term training programs and attending master classes near your home. Here you can master the basic massage techniques, and then try them out on friends and relatives. You can also take several individual lessons from a practicing master. If you are considering massage as your future profession, the training should be more thorough and long-term.
The path to professional masseurs
The training program is of great importance. Remember that even "amateur" massage courses should not exclude the study of anatomy, human physiology, orthopedics and other compulsory medical disciplines. If you do not have a medical background, it is worth considering courses that offer serious theoretical background. Practice is also important. Specify in advance how many workings the training program includes, whether the training center provides models or you will have to deal with their search yourself.
The number of people in the group is equally important. It is desirable that the number of students does not exceed five to six people. The formula is simple: the fewer students there are, the more attention the teacher can pay to each of them. Most likely, the cost of a massage course in a mini-group will not be the lowest, but a good result is worth it.
Be sure to find information about the course instructors. It is good if the head of the training program is a practicing massage therapist. In this case, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the list of services of the future teacher, available diplomas and certificates, check his reputation and personally ask a few questions about the course.
Conditions of education
Check the material and technical base of the training center: in which room the training will take place, whether there is all the necessary equipment, consumables, whether basic hygiene rules are observed.
Find out if the training center issues certificates, diplomas and certifications. Documents confirming the fact of training can be useful to you in the future, both in employment and when working as a private master. The most valuable document for a massage therapist is a state certificate, which gives the right to work in medical and sports institutions. This document is not issued by all training centers and only if you have a medical education.
Before signing up for the selected courses, check what is included in the cost of training, whether there are additional payments. Sometimes training centers, especially in the capital, for advertising purposes do not include the cost of consumables in the price. If you have to buy a lot on your own, be prepared for the fact that your investment in training will increase significantly.