An offer to a higher position may not always be welcome. If you do not imagine yourself in the role of a leader, do not want to leave your current field of activity, and the responsibility that will fall on your shoulders seems unbearable, learn to politely and firmly say “no” to your boss.

Step 1
If you have been working in an organization for a long time, you have probably studied the character and habits of the boss. Try to talk when he is in a good mood, and is also ready to listen and sensibly evaluate all the arguments.
Step 2
Prepare carefully before speaking with your boss. The voiced refusal should not be unfounded - provide convincing facts. For example, refer to the fact that your experience is insufficient to perform new functions. If you are offered to take a leadership position, convince your boss that you are a much more successful performer and not at all ready to manage people. Your doubts should not be based on your own fear or uncertainty, on the contrary, position yourself as a competent and responsible employee who is not indifferent to the future of the company.
Step 3
Some specialists, having reached great heights in a certain area, deliberately do not want to move up the career ladder. If you are one of them, prove that you can be as useful as possible in your current location.
Step 4
Strive to strike a balance between personal and professional reasons for rejection. In a conversation, you should not be guided solely by family circumstances. After all, for the boss, you are, first of all, a professional who has been given great trust. Be sure to thank your boss for the suggestion.
Step 5
Your conversation with your boss should be tactful and unambiguous. Be as frank and honest as possible during the conversation. If the leader sees in you not an indifferent observer, but a person who is truly interested in a common cause, the refusal will be received more favorably.
Step 6
Speak unambiguously and clearly. Avoid evasive and vague phrases in conversation, otherwise the speech may be misinterpreted. If necessary, be firm with persuasive arguments, and your words will not seem cocky or ungrateful. This will allow you to achieve your goal and maintain a good relationship with the manager.