In our country, any beneficiary has the right to a set of certain social services. However, if you do not want to use some of them, for example, receiving subsidized drugs, you can refuse them and get compensation in money. How to do it?

Step 1
They refuse free medicines, as a rule, for several reasons. If for your illness you do not need medicines at all or you need a rare drug that is not included in the list of free medicines, then this is a reason for a refusal. In addition, it often happens that there are no subsidized drugs in pharmacies, but there are paid ones, but the same ones are available. And the beneficiary still has to buy vital drugs himself. To avoid all this, write a refusal and get real money instead of ghostly promises.
Step 2
To refuse all or part of the social package, come to the pension fund and write a statement. According to current legislation, this must be done before October 1 of this year, in this case, from January 1, you will receive an increase in your pension. If you received a disability, for example, in December, then you will not have time to refuse the social package next year, and you will write your application closer to October. However, sometimes local authorities make additional decisions, so you still need to contact the city office of the pension fund.
Step 3
An application to refuse preferential services must be submitted every year, and if you still want to receive them, simply do not write an application, and your rights will automatically be restored. The exceptions are persons holding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, and also a holder of the Order of Glory. They must submit an application every year that they want to receive subsidized medicines, or travel in transport, or a voucher to a sanatorium.
Step 4
If it's hard for you to go to a pension fund, and even sit in a long line. you can send your application by mail, having previously certified it with a notary. If the beneficiary is bedridden or does not leave the house at all, you can call the employee of the pension fund at home and refuse benefits.