Is It Possible To Burn A Fire On Your Site According To The Law

Is It Possible To Burn A Fire On Your Site According To The Law
Is It Possible To Burn A Fire On Your Site According To The Law

Of course, it is not forbidden for summer residents and owners of residential buildings to burn bonfires on their plots in Russia. And the new law of 2018 does not provide anything particularly new in this regard. But of course, fires in the yard or in the garden are supposed to be lit according to certain rules.

Rules for making fires in suburban areas
Rules for making fires in suburban areas

For violation of fire safety, including when making fires in suburban areas, a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles is provided in the Russian Federation. In especially serious cases, for example, in the event of the death of people, the owner of a summer house or residential building may even be subject to criminal prosecution.

Basic Rules

Making fires in our country on the sites is allowed only in calm weather. Precisely because the owners of summer cottages and residential buildings ignore this safety rule, fires in villages, townships and partnerships with damage to neighbors, unfortunately, happen more often.

Also, when choosing a place for a fire, the owner of a suburban area needs to make sure that there are no buildings in the immediate vicinity. Otherwise, flames or embers blown away by the wind may cause a fire.

Of course, before starting a fire, the owner of a suburban area must make sure that there are no flammable or explosive materials and substances nearby. First of all, this applies to dry grass, firewood, cans of gasoline, etc.

Garbage in suburban areas is supposed to be burned in fenced areas. The easiest way is to adapt the barrel for this purpose. You can also fence off the burning site with bricks or dig in a small hole. In any case, a container with water must be present next to a barrel, pit or fence - a bucket, a watering can, a garden tank.

In addition, the following rules should be followed when lighting fires:

  • next to the fire, while the fire is burning, an adult must be constantly present for control;
  • at the end of cooking, burning garbage, etc., the fire must be completely extinguished with water or sand.

Campfires are only allowed in fenced areas.

Distances and other standards

The area for clearing grass and combustible debris around the future fire pit should be at least 10 m. According to fire safety rules, fires should not be made closer:

  • 50 m from buildings and structures;
  • 100 m from coniferous and 50 m deciduous forest.

For barrels for garbage, all indicated distances may be divided by 2.

A pit for a fire in suburban areas is supposed to be dug out at least 30 cm deep. At the same time, its diameter should not exceed 1 m. It is necessary to lay flammable materials in the pit in such an amount that the height of the flame subsequently does not exceed 1 m. a strip of stones with a minimum width of 40 cm.

A brazier for grilling kebabs or barbecues is allowed to be located closer to buildings than bonfires and barrels. The distance from the barbecue to the nearest structure should be at least 5 m. Around the barbecue, it is also imperative to clear dry grass, debris and chips. at a distance of 2 m.
