Is It Possible To Burn Garbage On Your Site

Is It Possible To Burn Garbage On Your Site
Is It Possible To Burn Garbage On Your Site

People who have their own plot often need to incinerate garbage. This is especially true in spring and autumn, when a lot of dry residues are collected. Therefore, summer residents need to familiarize themselves with the rules for incinerating garbage in order to avoid fines.

Is it possible to burn garbage on your site
Is it possible to burn garbage on your site

Recently, a law has been introduced to regulate the rules of waste incineration. All this is done in order to avoid accidental fires of the territory or residential buildings due to negligence.

How to burn garbage on your site

Before starting the waste incineration process, prepare the workplace:

  1. Dig a hole 30 cm deep and 1 meter wide. It should be located 50 m from any buildings (so that smoke does not interfere or a fire does not occur), 30 m away from deciduous forest and 100 m from coniferous plantations.
  2. Remove all dry residues around the dug hole. Namely: remove dry grass and branches, combustible materials and other flammable items.
  3. Make a fire embankment along the contour of the cleaned area. Its width should be 40 cm. It can be an earthen embankment.
  4. Place a bucket of water, sand, and a shovel on the site near the pit. All this may be needed to extinguish the fire.

The main thing is that the person who burns the garbage is near him. You can leave the place only after the cessation of decay.

Compliance with the listed rules will help to avoid unpleasant situations. This makes the incineration process a safe procedure. No one will be able to reprimand you if you follow the rules. Failure to comply with the rules is punishable by a fine. In the event of damage to property or setting fire to the forest, the person making the fire is called to criminal liability.

Special barrels for the disposal of summer cottage waste

A special barrel or oven can be used to incinerate waste. Such devices are permitted by the law of the Russian Federation. They can be purchased at hardware stores. A barrel is much cheaper than a furnace, but also has a shorter shelf life. It must be made of refractory material.

Rules for incinerating garbage in such devices:

  • the container should be placed 25 m from buildings and 50 m from the forest;
  • the area with the barrel is cleared 5 m from various dry materials;
  • a metal cover is needed, which, if necessary, will block the access of oxygen to the fire.

All summer residents are allowed to burn garbage on their site. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly. Then the surrounding nature will be safe. Subject to the regulations, no one has the right to issue a fine.
