What Is Juvenile Justice

What Is Juvenile Justice
What Is Juvenile Justice

A child who has committed a crime is a disgrace not only for his family, but for the entire modern society. The level of juvenile delinquency is growing steadily every year. The emergence of the concept of "juvenile justice" has split the world community of lawyers into two camps: some see in this system a salvation for adolescents who have stumbled, others - a way of management and state control over the institution of the family.

What is juvenile justice
What is juvenile justice

So far, Russian lawmakers are only listening to the experience of countries that have long used this judicial system designed to combat juvenile delinquency. Several legislative acts are under development, providing for the gradual creation of special state bodies and juvenile justice institutions.

The term "juvenile justice" owes its origin to the judges of the American state of Massachusetts. At the end of the 19th century, a panel of several judges achieved the adoption of a law on a kind of mitigation of punishment for minors who lost their righteous path. The essence of these changes in the judicial system was reduced to the deprivation of parental rights of fathers and mothers of juvenile delinquents and their transfer to special labor settlements, which were under the close control of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Later, a special juvenile court was created to decide on such cases.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the development of American law led to the fact that lawmakers considered it inhumane to take children away from their parents, and this measure was replaced by the supervision of the family by special bodies. Children were no longer taken from their families - government services became an aid in their correction. However, the accused juveniles were tried by a separate juvenile court. After their release, they underwent a special rehabilitation procedure.

Today, our country is actively working to adapt this institution within the framework of modern Russian law. It is planned to create a system of penitentiary institutions, courts dealing with this specific justice, as well as train specialists who can help a teenager in a difficult return to normal life. But some human rights activists consider the adoption of such a law a blasphemous violation of parental rights.
