How Parents Will Be Held Accountable For Violations Of Juvenile Scooters

How Parents Will Be Held Accountable For Violations Of Juvenile Scooters
How Parents Will Be Held Accountable For Violations Of Juvenile Scooters

The State Duma of the Russian Federation periodically considers the issue of the rationality of introducing rights to drive scooters. But the law prohibiting the driving of low-power equipment by minors who do not have a driver's license has not been adopted. Although road accidents with their participation are widespread. It is impossible to bring minors to administrative or criminal liability, so the parents will be responsible for everything.

How parents will be held accountable for violations of juvenile scooters
How parents will be held accountable for violations of juvenile scooters

Currently, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains article 156, according to which parents of underage scooters can be held accountable for failure to fulfill their upbringing duties. But in practice, this article does not apply to the parents of young scooters.

For violation of traffic rules by a minor scooter, his parents are issued an administrative fine in the amount of 300 rubles. If a minor scooter becomes the culprit in a traffic accident, the parents pay a symbolic fine, the maximum amount of which is 1,500 rubles.

The members of the independent organization of the movement of motorists, the vice-governor of the Moscow region are asking to adopt a corresponding law and increase the amount of fines. In case of violation of traffic rules and driving without appropriate equipment, the parents of a young scooter must pay at least 10 thousand rubles. In this case, the scooter will be forcibly confiscated. If there is a road traffic accident, there are victims, the parents should be prosecuted.

So far, such harsh methods have not been applied. The deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation cannot come to a consensus. Deputy Chairman of the Security Committee Gennady Gudkov confidently declares that such punishment norms are completely unnecessary. Deputy Anton Ishchenko agrees with the adoption of a law on the introduction of large administrative fines for parents of scooters, but completely disagrees with the adoption of a law on criminal liability.

While the deputies are arguing, in the meantime, people are dying on the roads. According to statistics, last year 108 people died in accidents involving low-power equipment, 2504 people were injured. Every eighth accident involved a drunken underage scooter.
