Justice Bodies: Tasks, Main Directions Of Activity

Justice Bodies: Tasks, Main Directions Of Activity
Justice Bodies: Tasks, Main Directions Of Activity

The judicial authorities of the Russian Federation are the coordinating body of the federal executive power, which includes many divisions involved in legal regulation and the development of state policy and management.

Justice bodies: tasks, main areas of activity
Justice bodies: tasks, main areas of activity

The bodies of justice appeared during the reign of Emperor Alexander I. Their powers and tasks were described in detail in the manifesto regulating the creation and activities of ministries of various directions, including the justice one. The main functions of the Ministry of Justice were to monitor the activities and legitimacy of the prosecutor's office, courts, appoint or dismiss officials, and develop laws. Modern bodies of justice are a huge state apparatus with the broadest possible powers and an equally high degree of responsibility.

Justice organs - definition and meaning

First of all, this is one of the structures of the executive power under the leadership of a minister who is a member of the country's government. Without this federal agency, the formation and functioning, development of a modern state in the legal and legal field is impossible. The activity of the body belongs to the organizational and managerial type, and is based on the legislative framework of the Russian Federation - the country's constitution, labor, administrative, civil, and criminal codes. The state justice apparatus includes all institutions whose activities are related to law and jurisdiction:

  • forensic experts,
  • punishment tracking service,
  • registration and coordination chambers,
  • Bailiffs Service,
  • intellectual property protection agencies and others.

Institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation are endowed with special powers to control and implement the norms of law enforcement and law enforcement, both on the territory of the country and abroad.

It is important to understand that the Ministry of Justice is not a judicial body, it only controls their activities and the implementation of their decisions. In addition, the tasks of the justice bodies include ensuring education within the legal framework of the population of the state, receiving appeals and complaints, responding to them, bringing incompetent and corrupt officials from subordinate structures to justice.

History of creation and development

On the basis of the Ministry of Justice, created by Emperor Alexander I in Tsarist Russia, the codification of the legislative basis of the Russian Empire was carried out for the first time. As a result, more than 70 volumes of laws and codes of laws of the state were published. After the coming to power of Nicholas I and the change in the state administration, the Russian Justice Bodies underwent fundamental changes, the field of activity expanded, and several new directions appeared:

  • personnel strengthening of existing units by specialists of the appropriate level,
  • the tasks of the ministry included the control of prisons and land surveying services,
  • control and management of notaries, judicial boards,
  • identification and punishment of state embezzlers and bribe-takers,
  • for the first time in the history of the empire - strengthening the rights of the individual and citizenship.

After the 1917 revolution, the bodies of justice of tsarist Russia were partially abolished and renamed the People's Commissariat, but it soon became clear that the new institutions were not able to function as effectively and completely replace the Ministry. The result of the updates in the department was that under its jurisdiction were not only the functions originally laid down, but also monitoring compliance with labor legislation. Since 1936, the People's Commissariat of Justice has been dynamically developing, and by the time of perestroika (90s of the last century) its capabilities corresponded to world standards. In 1970, the federal agency was renamed the Ministry of Justice again.

Tasks and directions of activities of the justice authorities

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is a complex authority with several types of institutions. All of them perform the same tasks:

Checking new legislative acts and documents for their compliance with the existing, previously adopted articles of the constitution and the code, amendments to them,

  • formation of a legal interpretation of legal and regulatory documentation,
  • control of courts and collegiums, notaries, services involved in ensuring the implementation of their decisions,
  • legalization of public formations and departments, their registration and monitoring of actions,
  • elimination of knowledge gaps in the field of law and jurisprudence among citizens of the state,
  • regulation and control of legal services within the framework of current legislation,
  • implementation of expert actions in relation to legal documents drawn up at the level of the federation, regions and municipalities.

In addition, the tasks of the country's justice authorities include monitoring the observance of the rights of the state as a whole, at the international level. In this direction, supervision over the observance of copyright and intellectual rights to inventions, musical and literary works and much more is carried out.

Providing legal and legal assistance to ordinary citizens of Russia is one of the main tasks of the justice authorities. Within its framework, free advice is provided, protection of citizens in court, recruitment of judges and juries, and legal support at meetings. That is, the main task of the Ministry of Justice is to monitor compliance with legislation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Structure of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

The justice authorities are a structured organization that includes the central federal apparatus and its branches in regions, regions and their districts. The central office works directly with the government of the country and has access to direct interaction with the president. The structure of the Ministry of Justice consists of

  • central agency,
  • registration service of the federal and regional levels,
  • correctional service - FSIN,
  • bailiffs' department - UFSSP,
  • territorial representations and departments.

Only the head of state has the right to control the activities of the Ministry of Justice. Representatives of the department inform the president about new bills and amendments to them proposed by the government. They have the right to make adjustments to them or make recommendations for their introduction. The main goal of this area of activity is to maintain compliance between the updated and current legislation.

Legal and registration documentation from the regions goes directly to the central apparatus of justice, where it is analyzed in detail. On the basis of the data obtained, a legal assessment of the activities of institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Justice is given, the observance of legal aspects by judicial and executive authorities of the regional, regional and district levels. In case of detection of violations in their work, the justice authorities take measures to eliminate them and notify the state leadership about them.

Powers of the justice authorities

The immediate head of the bodies, the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, is appointed by the head of state - the president. It is the Minister of Justice who coordinates the implementation of instructions given by the President, monitors the implementation of the external and internal powers of the state. In addition, the head of the structure has the authority to

  • division of duties and powers between employees of the department at all levels,
  • approval of the schedule, pace of work, reporting on them,
  • publishing and promotion of collegial, legal and narrowly thematic documents, acts and regulations of any direction of state activity,
  • the formation and dissolution of new branches, departments within the central office and in the regions,
  • assignment of higher ranks and titles to employees of the justice authorities, their deprivation.

The heads of the structures of justice at the level of the region, oblast, province or district duplicate the powers of senior employees, that is, they have the same rights and responsibilities. They send reports on their work to their immediate supervisors, who submit them to the central office of the Ministry of Justice.

The Ministry of Justice and its representatives (employees) have the right to conduct inspections of the activities of legal, administrative, guardianship and juvenile, registration state institutions. The judiciary can monitor and analyze the work of financial and tax organizations, engage in expert examination of legislative acts and decisions at all levels of government. The powers and rights of representatives of the judicial authorities are determined by the President of the Russian Federation. Only he has the right to make a decision on the cancellation of a particular function of the Ministry of Justice, on the basis of his conclusions about the activities of the institution. Only the head of state can remove from office the head of the structure, guided by the degree of functionality of this civil servant.
