What Tasks Does Family Law Solve?

What Tasks Does Family Law Solve?
What Tasks Does Family Law Solve?

The definition of the subject of any branch of law helps to understand its essence, principles of regulation, as well as methods and mechanisms of influencing public relations. Relationships have their own characteristics.

The family is the most important social institution
The family is the most important social institution

Family law

Relationships between relatives resulting from marriage and foster care are governed by family law. Depending on the content, they are divided into property and non-property.

Legal regulation of family relationships is necessary, despite their isolation around family members. Family law allows everyone to fully enjoy their rights and protect them in case of violation. The well-being of the whole society is largely determined by the observance of all the points prescribed in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The family performs many social functions that are necessary for the state and society as a whole. The following functions are distinguished: reproductive (birth of children), educational, communicative, economic and economic, recreational (moral and material support).

All principles of family law are spelled out in the first article of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. They do not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which defines the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Family Law Objectives

Family law regulates the following relations: the procedure for marriage, dissolution of the family union, invalidation of marriage, the condition and procedure for the adoption of children, property and non-property relations between spouses, children and relatives.

Family law

The norms of family law are based on the following principles: marriage is recognized if it was registered by the registry office, both spouses have equal rights and obligations, the marriage union is concluded with the consent of a man and a woman, children must be brought up in a family, the priority is to protect disabled family members. One branch of law can still be separated from another, knowing the methods of legal regulation. Legal regulation of family relations is necessary to strengthen the family, to protect the rights of each member of the family collective, to prevent outsiders from interfering in the affairs of the family, to organize judicial protection of those who need it.

Prohibitions, rules-explanations, permissions, prescriptions - this is a list of methods for regulating family relations.

In family law, there is no definition of a family, only some of its characteristics are distinguished. For example, each family member has his own rights and responsibilities, family members, as a rule, live together, otherwise they are not released from their rights and responsibilities.
