Are there any problems preventing you from working? What can you do to cope with a huge amount of accumulated circumstances? First, do not hang your nose, and secondly, take action.

Step 1
Check for a problem. It often happens that the problem is too exaggerated, or maybe not at all. It is quite possible that this is just another task that requires an early solution. For example, if your computer is frozen, this can hardly be called a problem. Your task will be to call the system administrator for help.
Step 2
Determine the size of the problem. Problems of varying scope require different solutions. If the problem is small, then you can probably handle it on your own. If a problem is outside your professional competence, call for help from a qualified professional, or your boss if the problem is of an administrative nature.
Step 3
Be bold. If someone doubts your professionalism, and this is a problem for you - do not be discouraged, calmly prove your qualifications with deeds. If you cannot be objectively assessed and this interferes with your career, you can safely change your place of work. In an environment of mistrust, there is little you can do.
Step 4
Don't get excited. You cannot solve problems with a hot head. Act decisively, but never raise your voice when it comes to an argument. Do not lose your temper if there are any technical problems. This will not help the business, and you can easily spoil the health of the nervous system for yourself.
A cold mind and a sober mind is the key to a successful solution to any problem, and not only at work.
Step 5
Do not panic. Panic is the main enemy of the solution to any problem. Panic can prevent you from noticing a solution that may not be that deep. If you are in a stupor - step back. The correct decision, perhaps, will come to your mind by itself.