The seller in the jewelry store bears full financial responsibility for causing real damage to the employer. At the same time, there are certain circumstances in which the responsibility of such an employee is excluded.

Any employee is liable to the company in which his labor activity is carried out for the actual damage caused to him. This rule applies to a seller in a jewelry store. The limits of responsibility of the bulk of employees are limited by Article 241 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (the maximum is the size of the average monthly earnings). But the seller in a jewelry store is a person who directly serves monetary, commodity values, and with such categories of workers, Article 244 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows you to conclude agreements on full liability. Therefore, in the presence of an appropriate agreement, the seller undertakes to compensate for the damage caused in full without any restrictions.
In what order is a seller in a jewelry store held liable?
The seller of a jewelry store can be held liable only after the employer has established a specific amount of damage caused. If the specified amount is not higher than the average monthly earnings of the employee, then the specified amount can be withheld from monthly payments on the basis of the order of the manager. If the employee does not agree with such a deduction, then the collection can be implemented only through the court. Also, the court is deciding the issue of bringing the seller to financial liability if his average monthly earnings are exceeded. At the same time, the employer himself, the court can reduce the amount of the employee's liability.
In what cases the seller's liability is excluded
If damage to the employer is caused due to force majeure (for example, in an emergency), extreme necessity, or non-fulfillment of obligations to preserve property by the company itself, then the seller's liability in the jewelry store is excluded. It should also be understood that the organization has no right to demand from the employee to reimburse the lost income, since the collection of these amounts is prohibited by labor legislation. The employer also has the right to independently refuse to bring the employee to material responsibility. If the seller believes that bringing to financial responsibility is illegal, made with violations, then he always has the right to file a complaint with the court against the actions of the organization.