Jewelry is in great demand among both women and men. A graceful bracelet with precious stones on the hand of a beautiful lady and a luxurious gold chain around the man's neck look just great. Therefore, many people from all existing areas of business choose the jewelry business. But in order to seriously engage in such a profitable business, first of all, it is necessary to issue and obtain a special license for jewelry.

Step 1
You need to obtain a license for jewelry if you decide to engage in wholesale or retail sale of jewelry, cutting of precious and semi-precious stones, production, repair, purchase or transportation of jewelry. You will need to obtain this license in order to open your own pawnshop.
Step 2
In order to obtain a license for jewelry, contact the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. You can find out the address of the nearest inspection on the website
Step 3
In order to apply to the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate in order to obtain a license for jewelry, you will need the following documents: - an application for a license; - a list of types of work of your company; - reference information about your organization (address, phone, fax, bank details); - certificate of state registration; - certificate of entry of a business entity into UGRPOU; - a copy of the lease agreement for the premises or a copy of the ownership certificate (if the premises belongs to your organization); - a copy of a letter from the statistics committee, a copy of the constituent agreement or the decision to create company, a copy of the protocol and order on the appointment of the general director of the company (certify with the seal of the organization); - notarized copies of the charter, TIN, PSRN, as well as changes made to the charter; - certificates of fire safety and security of the premises.
Step 4
Within 30-45 days after submitting a full package of documents to the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate, you will receive a jewelry license, which expires exactly 5 years from the date of issue.