What Financial Assistance Should A Single Mother Receive

What Financial Assistance Should A Single Mother Receive
What Financial Assistance Should A Single Mother Receive

In accordance with Russian law, a single mother is entitled to a number of benefits and cash payments and compensations, including material assistance, child support and others.

What financial assistance should a single mother receive
What financial assistance should a single mother receive

Single mother, who is this?

A single mother is a woman who has given birth to a child out of wedlock, without a father. In this case, a dash is put in the "Father" column in the baby's birth certificate, or data is entered according to the mother's words, about which a corresponding note is made in a special register of vital records. In this case, the child receives the mother's surname. And a woman in the registry office is issued a special document - form No. 25, which gives the right to receive additional benefits.

Also, the term "single mother" is also used if the child was born within three hundred days, counting from the date of the official dissolution of the marriage, or after this period, if the fact of establishing paternity was not established in the manner prescribed by law. A single mother is also considered a woman who adopts a child without being officially married.

But such a status cannot be claimed by a woman raising a child alone after a divorce. Or if her husband died or her father was deprived of the right of paternity in court, or he himself renounced it (it also happens).

What a single mother can claim

A woman who has been officially granted the status of a single mother can take advantage of a number of benefits and allowances due to her in accordance with Russian legislation, federal and regional legislative acts. The federal ones include a one-time allowance for women who registered for pregnancy at an early, up to 12 weeks, period, a one-time allowance for the birth of a child, a monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of one and a half years, which are provided to all women, not just single mothers. These are social payments and they are provided to everyone.

A single mom has the right to receive child support (children's) in an increased amount, as a rule, it is twice the established amount for a child from a complete family. But this benefit is not assigned to everyone, but only if the family is recognized as poor, in this case the subsistence minimum for each family member should not be higher than the established size in the region. Also, single mothers can use the right to receive a voucher for recreation and health improvement of children, and they have the opportunity to go to a sanatorium or a rehabilitation center with their child within the framework of the “Mother and Child” program. For all details, contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence. In a number of regions, single mothers are provided with a preference for paying for kindergarten, in this case, as a rule, there is a 50 percent discount, but only when this provision is enshrined in the regulatory framework of the region or region. The decision on whether to provide single women with this benefit or not is made by the deputies of the district and regional levels, based on the budget of their region.

At work, single mothers in accordance with the Tax Code (subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of article 218) are provided with a double standard tax deduction for child support, which she can use until they reach the age of majority, i.e. 18 years.

Labor laws also provide for some benefits for single mothers. Thus, a woman who is raising a child alone cannot be dismissed from her job, she cannot be fired due to the inadequacy of the position held due to insufficient qualifications, she cannot be dismissed from her place of work due to a change in leadership. And even if the enterprise falls under liquidation, the single mother must be given the right of compulsory employment.

In some regions, additional benefits may be established, such as compensation for expenses spent with the condition of increasing the cost of living for the child, compensation for food for the child and other benefits.
