June 8 is the Day of Social Worker. This is a person who has at least secondary vocational education in the profile of "social work". This specialist assists senior citizens at home: he prepares food, goes to the grocery store, cleans the house and provides other services at the request of the needy. The ability to provide the necessary medical assistance, for example, to give an injection or an enema, is welcomed in this work.

Features of the social worker's activities
This type of work on the job exchange has appeared recently. However, the field of social work is developing rapidly and provides a stable job. It is worth noting that this job is low-paid, so young people are reluctant to take on it. The state announced that soon the work of a social worker will be paid based on professional skills and qualifications.
Not only sick lonely people need the services of a social worker, but also those pensioners whose children are far away or for some other reason do not provide assistance to their relatives. In addition to the elderly, social workers also help people with disabilities, including those with childhood disabilities.
It should be said that the range of responsibilities of a social worker is very extensive. This is, first of all, hard physical labor. The social worker, if necessary, accompanies the elderly person to the hospital or in the morning goes to the specialist for a coupon. Visits his ward if he is in hospital. Brings groceries, organizes laundry, helps with cooking, reads books, accompanies to the theater, etc. In addition, the social worker assists in obtaining benefits, sending and receiving mail, and sometimes hygienic services for his client. Once every 10 days, the social worker is obliged to wet the house. Funeral arrangements are also the responsibility of a social worker.
You can't do without a soul
In addition to this, a person who decides to devote himself to the profession of a social worker must be ready to put his heart and soul into each of his clients. He is obliged to observe a certain ethics, to know the basics of psychology, since he has to work with vulnerable people who feel their weakness and are acutely suffering from this. For bedridden patients, the social worker is often the only link with the outside world. At the centers of social protection of the population, in which social workers work, there is a full-time psychologist who can tell you how to behave if a specialist, for example, is greeted with hostility. And this happens too.
Social workers must have a range of legal knowledge. After all, for each client it is imperative to start a personal file, in which information about the pension, various subsidies is entered. A social worker needs to know exactly what group of beneficiaries his client falls into. Each social worker is assigned up to 10 people, but not less than 8. The social worker must visit his wards at least twice a week by agreement from one to six months.