Pregnancy is a great time in a woman's life. However, modern realities are such that many ladies from 9 months are in a state of stress due to the fact that their rights are often violated. And in these situations, they have a question: who protects the rights of pregnant women?

Experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences have calculated that if at least the labor rights of pregnant women were respected by 100%, the birth rate growth would increase by 20-30%. It's no secret that many ladies are afraid of getting pregnant, because this will automatically mean that they will be left without work, without money and without prospects.
Despite the fact that the legislation formally protects pregnant women in their right to work, in fact the legislation is rarely observed. And there are not so few ways to survive a pregnant employee.
Violation of the rights of pregnant women occurs regularly and not only at the production level. For example, if a woman is oppressed in a family, she may also seek protection. Only not all pregnant women know where to go to protect their rights.
Who protects the rights of pregnant women
First and foremost, the rights of pregnant women must be respected by law. If a lady is being harassed at work, ideally the union should intercede for her. However, now this form of support for employees is not very common and they are not present in every company. But even in this case, the pregnant woman is not left alone. She can go to a lawyer.
Some experts recommend consulting an independent attorney or attorney. So there is a greater chance that the case will be resolved in an impartial manner.
Also on the list of defenders is the State Labor Protection and the Court, if all the previous defenders were powerless.
If it comes to the violation of the rights of a pregnant woman in the family, for example, her husband humiliates her, beats her, takes money, etc., the court will also help. In addition, you can turn to human rights defenders, of whom there are quite a few today. They specialize in different topics, incl. and protecting the rights of pregnant women. Another option is to contact crisis centers that provide assistance to ladies in a situation.
Quite often, the rights of pregnant women and in the hospital are violated. There are frequent cases when ladies are denied admission to the hospital, registration, etc. Various documents and much more are required. And all this despite the fact that these actions directly violate the rights of pregnant women. In this case, the Department of Health is responsible for the protection of the rights of women in the situation. To begin with, you need to send a complaint about the misconduct of doctors to the head physician of a medical facility. If there is no reaction, you need to contact the higher authorities.
What to consider
It is quite difficult for a pregnant woman to fight for her rights. After all, she has hormonal changes, mood changes, etc. In addition, it is not recommended for a lady in a position to be nervous, so it is better to make sure that there is an assistant who will assist and help the pregnant woman deal with various bureaucratic delays.
In addition, observations have shown that those who do not respect her rights communicate with one pregnant woman downright. But if she is with an assistant, preferably a male, heads of enterprises, doctors, etc. will be softer and kinder.