If you become pregnant while being officially employed, it is better to carefully study your rights and opportunities prescribed by law. This will help you resolve important issues with your employer regarding the special working conditions for a woman in your position.

Pregnancy certificate
Step 1
Do not write a letter of resignation, even if management insists on it. The law prohibits the dismissal of a pregnant woman, and the reasons that prompted the employer to ask you to leave are irrelevant. Including we are talking about truancy or neglect. Thus, the legislation protects the weaker sex from the greedy management, which is ready to take any measures in order not to have an employee on maternity leave. It doesn't matter whether your boss knew about the pregnancy during the layoff or not. This gives you the right to be reinstated at work, regardless of the reasons for dismissal and the length of pregnancy at that moment.
Step 2
Don't settle for overtime. According to the law, a woman during pregnancy cannot be involved in work in excess of the norm. Also, you should not be forced to work at night and do not have the right to send you on a business trip. Exceptions are when you yourself agree to such conditions (except for night shifts and work on weekends). However, even then, you must sign a written consent.
Step 3
Demand lower production rates. If you have a certificate on hand that you need to reduce the rate of production, the employer is obliged to do this without reducing your wages. An alternative option is to change the working conditions for you so that there are no health hazards in the workplace. When working conditions or positions change, the salary does not change.
Step 4
Demand an individual work schedule. Since pregnancy entails a large number of problems associated with hospital visits, special treatment, etc., a woman "in position" has the right to an individual schedule. A reduction in the number of working days or working hours is allowed. As a rule, a special decree is drawn up, which clearly spells out the working conditions and the time when a woman may not go to work, when she has the right to rest or temporary exclusion from the workplace. In such a case, the full salary is not retained, but is paid in accordance with the hours worked (unless a decrease in output is registered), but the woman retains her seniority and annual leave.
Step 5
Demand compensation for payment for the time of visiting the antenatal clinic. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the time spent in the antenatal clinic is paid as work time. In other words, if you show your employer a certificate stating that you were in the hospital, you must be paid in full for the missed hours.