Today OMON is involved not only at football masts and rallies, but also in all public events. And therefore, strict requirements are imposed on candidates for a special police detachment. It must be a man between the ages of 18 and 35, who has served in the military forces of the Russian Federation, has an at least secondary education, has impeccable characteristics from the army or a former job, excellent health, no criminal record and no police service. If you meet the above requirements, then you have every chance to enter the OMON.

Step 1
First of all, contact the personnel department of your police station and specify the information about enrollment in the service in the OMON. There you will be more accurately told all the rules for admission to the service. Enrollment is made on a voluntary or contractual basis and for different periods of service.
Step 2
If you meet the criteria, then a referral is issued from the personnel department for passing the medical commission at the place of residence and a date for passing the physical training exam is assigned. The standard of physical readiness of a candidate for service in the riot police are: push-ups on the hands in the lying position - 10 times, exercise on the press - 10 times, pull-ups on the bar - 10 times, hand-to-hand combat in personal protective equipment - 2 rounds of 2 minutes with one opponent.
Step 3
Admission to the ranks of riot police is always on a competitive basis. The last stage of enrollment is a conversation with a psychologist and a staff member. This conversation will allow you to find out in more detail your characteristics of character, temperament and desire to work. It is worth making a positive impression on the commission and not hesitating to tell all the most important aspects of life that would have a positive effect on enrollment in a police detachment of special importance.