Every employee who is officially hired is entitled to annual paid leave. The procedure for obtaining a vacation consists of certain stages required by the participation of the head of the enterprise and employees leaving for rest.

Step 1
Make a schedule of upcoming vacations on the eve of the new calendar year, using the unified form No. T-7, approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 26. The vacation schedule should contain the full name of the organization, the date of compilation and the period that will be divided into vacations.
Step 2
Take into account the existing rules for the provision of paid leave, in accordance with Russian law. The standard period of annual leave is 28 calendar days, with the exception of certain social groups and representatives of certain professions. Also, a monthly vacation can be divided into two periods of 14 days, which an employee can use at a convenient time for him.
Step 3
Schedule vacation periods, taking into account the wishes of employees, the specifics of the functioning of the enterprise, the possibility of interchangeability of certain positions, etc. As soon as all vacation periods are approved and entered into the schedule with employees' signatures, it must be submitted to the manager for signature.
Step 4
Notify employees about the approaching vacation period two weeks in advance. They must draw up a request for paid leave of a specified duration, securing it with a signature. The application is submitted to the head for consideration and signature.
Step 5
Draw up a vacation order using form No. T-6, approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 26. Indicate in the document the employee's personnel number, his name, surname and patronymic in full, position, name of the unit or department, type and timing of the vacation. Submit the order to the head of the enterprise and the employee for review and signature. Also send a copy to the accounting department to calculate the vacation pay that the employee should receive immediately before going on vacation.