The happy and cheerful wedding day is over, the guests have left, the gifts have been sorted out. Now is the time to think about the exchange of documents. If you decide to take your husband's surname, you need to contact the relevant authorities to obtain a new passport. This can be done by submitting an application to the passport office or the MFC, or using the State Services portal.

- 1. Old passport.
- 2. Two photographs of 35 x 45 mm, color or black and white.
- 3. Certificate of marriage.
- 4. Receipt of payment of state duty.
- 5. Originals of documents for additional marks (if necessary).
Step 1
If in the application for registration of marriage you noted that after the wedding you want to wear your husband's surname, in parallel with the stamp about the changed marital status, the registry office employees also put the stamp “to be replaced” on the first page of the document. The old passport is valid only for 30 days from the date of the wedding. Therefore, it is necessary to hand it over for exchange before the expiration of this period - otherwise you may be obliged to pay a fine in the amount of 2,000 - 3,000 thousand rubles (and for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg - up to 5,000 rubles).
Step 2
You can hand over a replacement passport at the department of the Federal Migration Service (passport office) or at the MFC. It is better to do this at the place of registration - in this case, you will receive a passport with a new surname within 10 days. If you are in another city, the document exchange will take two months, because the FMS employees will send a request to the place of your registration.
Step 3
To exchange a passport, you will need to write an application for a change of surname (this is done directly when submitting documents) and provide the employee of the passport office or multifunctional center with the package of documents you have collected. It must include the old passport to be replaced; two color or black-and-white photographs measuring 35 x 45 mm, color or black-and-white, the original marriage certificate (this is exactly the document on the basis of which you change your surname), as well as a receipt for payment of the state fee. The amount of the duty for 2017 is 300 rubles. In addition, if you have children, you will need to provide their birth certificates to affix the appropriate stamps in the new document. Otherwise, your new passport will contain only registration, marriage and previously issued passports.
Step 4
If necessary, you can ask the FMS employees for a certificate that the passport has been handed over for renewal - in some cases, this document can serve as an identity card. For a temporary identity card, you will need another, additional photo 35 x 45 mm. If you hand over a replacement passport through the MFC, you will have to do without a certificate, it is issued only by the Federal Migration Service.
Step 5
When accepting documents, you will be told the date that the passport is ready for a new surname. You just have to appear for the documents at the appointed time. Passports are issued only by the Federal Migration Service. Therefore, even if you applied through the MFC, you will have to get a passport for a new surname at the passport office.
Step 6
You can also change your passport after marriage through the State Services portal. In this case, you do not have to walk for 10 days without documents - you will receive a new passport the same day you hand over the old one. However, this option is only suitable for people with a fairly flexible work schedule - the main disadvantage of processing documents through "State Services" is that in order to obtain a passport, you will have to appear at the FMS not when it is convenient for you, but on the appointed date. But all the formalities will be completed in just one personal visit.
Step 7
In order to apply for a passport change through "State Services", go to the site under your password and select the item "Issue / replacement of an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation" from the list of services provided by the FMS. In the list that opens, select the item that says about changing the passport due to the change of the last name, first name or patronymic (there is no separate item for changing the last name after marriage).
Step 8
Following the instructions of the system, fill out an application for a change of document, entering into it the data of the old passport, as well as the marriage certificate. Filling out the application usually takes 10-15 minutes. You will also need to upload your photo to the site. It should be a color or black and white photograph, the aspect ratio of which should be the same as for a passport photo - 3.5 width to 4.5 height. The same requirements are imposed on the photograph as for photographs for documents - strictly full-face, without a headdress, shoulders turned to the camera, and so on (you can find the entire list of requirements on the State Services portal).
Step 9
After checking the application by the portal staff, you will receive an invitation to visit the FMS office. Depending on which method of notification you prefer, the notification will be sent to the mobile application, to your email address or via SMS. The deadlines for the readiness of a passport with a new surname do not differ from the deadlines for submitting documents through the Federal Migration Service - 10 days if you apply at the place of registration and 2 months if you are not at the registration address.
Step 10
On the appointed day, visit the FMS inspector, taking with you the original documents (a list of papers similar to the list required at the passport office will be contained in the invitation) and a receipt for payment of the state duty. The inspector will check the correctness of the data you specified in the electronic application, after which you will issue a “paper” version of the application with a personal signature. A passport with a new surname will be issued to you on the same day. In accordance with the rules of work, the waiting period for processing documents should not exceed one and a half hours from the moment the original documents were submitted. FMS employees may offer you to get a new passport, for example, the next day - however, this is possible only with your agreement.
Step 11
Remember that changing your passport is only the beginning of a long journey of reissuing documents after changing your surname. After you receive your passport, you will also need to reissue your pension certificate, TIN, driver's license, foreign passport, OMS policy, make a corrective entry in your work book, and much more to your new surname.