The birth of a child is a personal matter for the parents, while adoption is a form of protecting the interests of a child who has lost parental care. For this reason, certain requirements are imposed on potential adoptive parents, including with regard to housing.

The main requirement for the housing of potential adoptive parents is this: it must be. If a person does not have a permanent place of residence, he cannot receive permission for adoption. The presence of a permanent residence must be confirmed by registration.
Housing status
According to modern Russian laws, the actual place of residence of a citizen does not have to coincide with the place of his registration. The same is the case with people who want to adopt a child: they are only required to confirm the very fact of permanent registration, and it does not matter that they live and intend to live with the child in another place in the future.
However, the fact of residence also needs confirmation. If a person rents an apartment, he must present a lease agreement for a period of at least a year. If he lives with relatives, a written agreement with the relatives for the right to use the housing must be submitted. Of course, close people very rarely formalize their property relations in writing, but for such a case, the document will have to be drawn up and signed.
A summer cottage cannot be considered a permanent place of residence, no matter how comfortable a house, a room in a dormitory or a temporary structure may be.
Sanitary standards
No matter what rights a potential adoptive parent uses, it must comply with sanitary standards.
The law requires the child to be provided with a separate room only in two cases - if the child is disabled or HIV-infected. In the absence of such circumstances, the authorities will only require the compliance of housing with general sanitary standards established by local legislation. If the family already has a disabled child, a healthy adopted child cannot be placed in the same room with him, especially if the disability concerns the psyche.
In some regions, living space standards have been established, in others they are not. In the absence of such, the guardianship authorities proceed from the previous norm - 12 sq. m per person, but even if this norm is not respected, the final decision remains with the court. If the court considers that the adoption is in the best interests of the child, permission may be granted even if the required number of square meters is not available.
The apartment must be comfortable, which is determined by the presence of sewerage, heating, gas supply, water supply. No air polluting substances should be stored in the living area. Littering and pollution of common areas, in particular staircases, is unacceptable.
A survey of the living conditions of potential adoptive parents is carried out by a commission of the guardianship authorities. In disputable situations, other organizations, for example, the sanitary and epidemiological service, may be involved in the examination.