The companies organizing the conferences want to achieve different goals. For some, this is the main business process, someone positions themselves as an industrial leader, and the conference can secure this status for him. Some see the conference as an important part of the company's tradition. At the same time, no organizer wants to ruin their own conference, as well as to have it take place in a boring atmosphere and gather a small number of participants.

Step 1
Write down the conference vision and concept on paper. Create a short description of the event as an invitation to cooperation.
Step 2
Form an organizing committee in which the following areas should be reflected: administration (select the head of the organizing committee), program, advertising, marketing, working with partners, organizational matters, logistics and finance, sales, and working with participants.
Step 3
Prepare a document that clearly shows by what time certain results can be achieved. Also, this document should reflect in what directions these results should be obtained.
Step 4
Make a list of desired speakers and get their agreement in principle.
Step 5
Develop statuses for your partners. List all potential partners and get their agreement in principle.
Step 6
Make a list of potential participants and start sending out invitations.
Step 7
Find a conference room.
Step 8
Conduct a meeting with the person who will be responsible for handling registration.
Step 9
Write a press release (a specific informational message that will contain news about this organization, mentioning the complicity of experts, partners, location).
Step 10
Prepare banners, videos, interviews, templates for presentations, audio recordings for the possibility of its subsequent posting on the Internet on open resources.
Step 11
Send a newsletter once every two weeks to registered participants with relevant information about how much the program has been replenished with experts and what changes or new events have occurred. Give people the opportunity to track the preparations for the event, invite other interested people as partners, ask them to spread their information about the upcoming event.