A municipal assignment is a special type of document that establishes certain requirements for the composition, quality and volume of the provided service or purchased goods. In this case, we are talking about goods and services purchased at the expense of budgetary funds for use in the state and budgetary spheres of activity. Modern legislation makes special requirements for the preparation of municipal assignments.

Step 1
Study the regulatory requirements for the preparation of the assignment, the form for processing documents and reporting sheets for it (see article 69.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 2
In the document, specify the “Purpose” of the task, “Users” and “Basic Requirements”. In the first paragraph, write down what exactly the contractor must perform for this assignment (develop a software package, erect a structure, hold an event, etc.), in the second - for which institution the order was drawn up, and in the third - write the basic requirements for the final product. This part of the document also indicates the list of persons for whom the purchase of goods / services is carried out, the procedure for the provision of goods or the provision of services, the price range in which the purchase can be carried out, etc. If you are drawing up such a document for the first time, then it makes sense to use as a sample already completed tasks.
Step 3
Please note that the municipal assignment must contain indicators on the basis of which it will be possible to assess the conformity of the quality of the goods / services provided to the requirements set within the assignment.
Step 4
In addition to the evaluation criteria, include in the assignment detailed information on the methods and procedure for monitoring its implementation; it makes sense to stipulate the procedure for early termination of the municipal assignment.
Step 5
Provide a list of required reporting on the results of the execution of the specified task. The last point is to indicate who and how finances the implementation, as well as the procedure for settlements.
Step 6
The indicators specified in the municipal assignment are further used in the formation of projects for the distribution of budgetary funds, in the preparation of budget estimates for one or another state institution. Fulfillment of municipal tasks after the approval of budgets is carried out at the expense of federal budgetary funds and external sources of funding.