Technical conditions (TU) - a local regulatory document in which the requirements for a product or product are established by the manufacturer himself. Even if there is a GOST for this product, since 2002 its implementation is not mandatory, therefore, TUs are drawn up at the initiative of the developer or at the request of the customer in accordance with GOST 2.114-95 “Unified system for design documentation. Technical conditions.

Step 1
The structure of the TU is determined by GOST, according to it, in addition to the introductory part, the TU must have several mandatory sections and their composition does not depend on what type of product this document is developed for.
Step 2
The TU must list the technical requirements for this product, establish safety requirements for the processes of its manufacture and operation. In addition, they include environmental requirements that make its production and use safe for the environment. The TU should include sections describing the rules for accepting the product into operation, the methodology for controlling its parameters, the conditions of transportation and storage, the permissible operating conditions are described and the warranty obligations for the product and its components are listed if they have a different warranty period.
Step 3
Technical requirements should not contradict those that are established for this type of product by the current GOSTs. In this section, be sure to give a link to them. Give the technical characteristics of the product, its physical parameters, indicate the permissible deviations. Here, give the requirements for those parameters of the product that can characterize its quality: appearance, mechanical properties.
Step 4
List the safety requirements that the product and its constituent elements must meet. List the normative documents that set these requirements. Note the conditions under which the product will be used safely.
Step 5
Give a list of requirements that will ensure the safety of the environment. List the rules by which acceptance into operation should be carried out, indicate the frequency of product performance monitoring and the accuracy of the measurements.
Step 6
In the appropriate section, describe the conditions under which you need to transport and store the product without the danger of disrupting its performance. Indicate which packaging materials should be used and stipulate the shelf life of the canned product.
Step 7
The section "Instructions for use" should include requirements for maintenance, repair and storage of the product, as well as instructions that will help to use it rationally. List the conditions for its use and those that can lead to its breakdown. Indicate what warranty period is provided for the operation of the product, provided that all the rules established by these technical specifications are observed.