In accordance with Russian labor legislation, employees are entitled to annual paid leave. The minimum vacation period is 28 calendar days. This rest period is provided to all employees, regardless of what position they hold. But not all employees can be so easily let go to rest. For example, before sending the director on vacation, everything must be foreseen so that in his absence the work of the entire enterprise does not stop.

Step 1
Before sending the director on vacation, re-read the Charter, statutory documents of your company, as well as the Employment Contract of the director. In these documents and, first of all, in the Charter, the procedure for granting vacations to the head must be stipulated. If there is no such provision in these documents, the director leaves to rest in the general manner, in accordance with the vacation schedule.
Step 2
Please note that the director does not have to write an application for the provision of vacation, but the corresponding order must be. At the same time, the director signs it for himself.
Step 3
In order for the enterprise to be able to operate as before, appoint someone who will perform directorial functions in his absence, and who will have the right to sign documents.
Step 4
Please note that if there is a board of directors, it is he who should draw up a vacation schedule for the director. The board of directors should also choose an employee who will replace the manager during his absence. These points are usually specified in the statutes.
Step 5
Issue the appropriate order (signed by the director). Remind the director to write a power of attorney for his temporary deputy.
Step 6
Do not forget to warn the person who will be acting as a leader two weeks before he will have to start these duties, that is, before the first day of the director's vacation. Formally execute the Agreement with this employee.
Step 7
Calculate and issue vacation pay to the director in the same order as for the rest of the employees. Remember that vacation pay must be issued no later than three days before the start of the vacation. If the day of payment coincides with a day off, vacation pay must be paid one day earlier.
Step 8
If you take into account all these nuances, your company will transfer the manager's vacation without loss. And he, in turn, will gain strength for further fruitful work with you.